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Updated: Dec 3, 2020

Some of us know it as Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, or Carnival. Here in Germany, Fasching • Karneval • Fastnacht is serious business. Also known as the "Fifth Season", Fasching begins in mid-November and ends on the Tuesday just before Lent. Some people might take part in many Carnival parties throughout the season, while others (like us) choose to hold in their spirits and unleash it all at a single party.

This year, the labs residing on the 3rd floor of MPI-CBG are tasked with organizing the institute’s Carnival Party, held on March 1st, 2019. Some labs chose to do a themed or group costume. We were Vast-in-how we dressed up: mermaid, drunkard, sailor, strawberry, cow, cat, and a pink bunny.


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