Dec 8, 2023Hann's public defence!Following the successful private defense, it was time for public presentation of Hann's thesis work! On the 1st of December, Hann...
Aug 31, 2018Pizza Science and Beyond... with VastenhouwlabVastenhouwies present at the "Pizza Science and Beyond" event series for Predocs
Dec 21, 2016Camilo completed his 4 weeks of practical trainingOur new PhD student Camilo completed the 4 weeks of practicals, which are an essential part of the PhD Program.
Dec 19, 2016DIPP predoc course at the Vastenhouw labOur lab participated in teaching a week-long practical course to students of the Dresden Internation PhD Program (DIPP) who are...
Nov 27, 2015DIPP Predoc Course – Vastenhouw LabIn the DIPP program, PhD students in their first year of study are required to attend four 1 week lab rotations.
Sep 25, 2015Dresden International PhD Program selection week – Autumn 2015The Vastenhouw lab has just participated in the Dresden International PhD Program selection week.