In the month of November, Ksenia and 29 other PhD students from the International Max Planck Research School for Cell, Developmental and Systems Biology (IMPRS-CellDevoSys) took part in their month-long Predoc course. Each week, students attended lectures and practicals in the fields of Chemistry, Biophysics, Biology, and Computational Biology with the research groups at CBG, CSBD, and PKS. This was an opportunity for students to learn about the ongoing research and techniques used by each group. Many students also took part in a scientific writing course.
While enriching their scientific knowledge, students also had to exercise their creative minds. At the end, the predocs put together a very entertaining Special Friday Seminar for the CBG-CSBD community – “Lessons Learned: Special Report on the 2017 Predoc Course”.
New friendships were formed and curious minds were nourished, as the students familiarized with their new home for the next 3-4 years. We hope they will form a supportive group for one another throughout their PhD.
