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Back from Departmental and Institute Retreat!


The Vastenhouwies are back from their annual institute/departmental retreat!

Every year, residents of the Génopode Building gather for a retreat in the Vaud Alps. This year, from August 24-25th, the retreat was held in Leysin. This is the occasion for research groups from the Center for Integrative Genomics (CIG) and the Department of Computational Biology (DBC), as well as the core facilities and the BioInformatics Competence Center (BICC) to learn about each others research, network, and mingle. Over the course of two days, the program featured talks from different research groups, poster sessions, and social activities. Vastenhouwies participated in hiking, beach volleyball, archery, and board games. Some fun activities to enjoy both indoors and outdoors, amidst the heat wave hitting Europe. Looking forward to gathering in Leysin again next year!


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