In the week-and-a-half leading up to Christmas in Dresden...
So much action and emotions in the Vastenhouw lab, as we wrap up our Dresden chapter and bid a tearful goodbye to our dearest Sabrina Pralow, who will be begin 2021 in Jonathan Rodenfels' lab, the newest group leader at the MPI-CBG.
Ksenia will hold down the Dresden-Vastenfort. Ramya will join us in a couple of months in Lausanne. One last stand for the Vastenhouwies-Dresden group...
The institute also goes on another lockdown and minimal staffing, Vastenhouwies scramble to pack up the lab and prepare for our move to Lausanne. We hang up our pipettes, pack up our precious reagents, equipments, and tools, and clear up our benches and desks that have brought us so many memories and both frustrating, exciting, and sometimes mind-boggling results.
Meanwhile in Lausanne...
Our newest Vastenhouwie, Gilles, has been working hard in the last few months to set up our lab.
Besides setting up our lab space, Gilles is also working with other CIGers on other developments at the institute. Our fish and microinjection rooms are also being set up. We will soon welcome a whole school of zebrafish!
Special thanks to Paul, Guy, Stéphane, Frédéric, and Nathalie for helping us with the move! We look forward to joining the CIG family very soon in Lausanne!