Our Lab Retreat 2024 has just concluded and it was so much fun! For 3 days we've been hiding in a cosy chalet in the middle of Swiss Alps, where we discussed science, learned new skills and ejnoyed winter activities.
Each Vastenhouwie has prepared a presentation with a dream project that could be realized in the lab. To boost creativity, we decided to design projects with an unlimited budget and this gave rise to plenty of new ideas!
We've also had a special guest - Mirko Bischofberger - who joined us for one day to teach us about science communication. During his workshop we've learnt that there are patterns in every communication method, whether it is a movie, a storytelling or a scientific paper. We could also excercise how to communicate our Lab's research to a broad public.
Beside scientific activities, we've also enjoyed a winter hike. The area is beautiful and the views amazing! Our evenings were filled with delicious meals thet we prepared ourselves and movie watching.
It's been a great time and we're already looking forward to the next retreat in 2025!