Greetings from Lausanne!
A busy end to 2020 and start to 2021, as the Vastenhouwies trickled into Switzerland during the Christmas holidays. We united with our newest Vastenhouwies: Shivali is our newest PhD student, experiencing cold and snow for the first time, and Gilles, our technician who warmly welcomed us into our new home, the CIG and our lab.
Our lab items (samples, reagents, equipments) followed us just after New Year's over to Lausanne.
To say that our lab move was smooth would be a bit of an overstatement. We encountered a few bumps along the journey, but we overcame those obstacles and we are extremely grateful to the tremendous support we've received along the way. As a result, our new lab is quickly up and running!
From the Swissfishies - Happy 2021! cheers to exciting science! and stay healthy!
Snapshots below of our lab luggage making its way from Dresden to Lausanne:
